New Digital Piano

This is Andrew's new Yamaha Claninova Digital Piano which we bought during the year end Yamaha promotion. We sold our old Yamaha Digital Keyboard through ebay. The father & I were debating whether to get an acoustic piano or a digital piano. While an acoustic piano can possibly last him till Grade 8 & beyond, it doesnt provide the flexibility of other functions. The technology in digital piano is so advance now that the touch & feel of the keyboard is so close to the traditional acoustic piano. It also has many functions which can help to keep a yound child interested in piano. It can probably last AJ till Grade 3 or 4 only. After these considerations, we decided to get the digital piano instead. And when he advances to higher level, we will then switch to acoustic, when he is more sure with his direction on music.
The Yamaha Claninova Digital Piano is now his new toy. He meddled with the functions more than us & probably knows the features more than us.
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