[Media Invite]
I woke up earlier than usual this morning because there was an important appointment. Yay, I have gotten an invitation to sail on LST 207 RSS Endurance starting from Changi Naval Base to Harbourfront where it would be docked for 5 days for the SAF50@VIVO. Have you sensed my excitement?
Beautiful sunrise at Changi Naval Base |
LST 207 - RSS Endurance at Changi Naval Base |
The round disc on the rope is meant to deter mice from coming on board. Simple device yet ingenious invention (me think!) |
Ready to go on board! |
Bye bye Changi Naval Base!
As we departed from Changi Naval Base, we were given a tour of the vessel. This is my second tour on a LST because last May, AJ and I went on board RSS Persistence. They are identical vessels, and Singapore Navy has 4 of such: RSS Endurance, RSS Persistence, RSS Endeavour and RSS Resolution.
The kitchen on ship, which is called Galley, where the chefs prepare food to feed the hungry. |
When we were at the Bridge, we had to observe complete silence because it was the moment when the vessel was preparing to dock at Harbourfront. The atmosphere was very tense as she entered into the narrow waterway, precision in steering the vessel to ensure safety of everyone was utmost important. |
This is the outdoor Side Bridge |
These are the 2 Fast Craft Utilities (FCUs) at the bottom deck of the vessel. If you got balloted in for the ride, this will be the one. Enjoy! It is really fun! |
As we got nearer to Harbourfront, this was the view. You can expect the same if you have the chance to board FCU! |
2 tug boats were engaged to aid the vessel to dock. I have learnt that it takes a lot of experience to steer a big ship in a narrow waterway and/or busy port. Quite a lot of resources have to be deployed too! |
Hello VivoCity!
A photo with these hunks who took good care of our group on board. They are not just good looking, they are extremely friendly, helpful and knowledgeable. Ask them any questions regarding sailing, they have no problem answering you at all. |
On a side note, we were briefed that RSS Persistence and this Merchant Vessel (MV) Swift Rescue (MV Swift Rescue has underwater search capabilities) were sent to Indonesia in search for QZ8501. Over 400 Navy staff were deployed in this mission in a very short notice (as short as a few hours), most of them volunteered to be on this mission. I am very impressed with their commitment because they went in not knowing how long they would be away from home. Most of them were away from home 2-3 weeks in this mission. One of the guys I have met on board this morning was Simon Chew. Salute!
MV Swift Rescue (Photo from Navy Facebook) |
With Simon Chew, 1 of the many volunteers who went on the search mission. If you happened to see him on board, do say 'Hi' to him! :) |
Seen here: RSS Endurance and 2 FCUs SAF@Vivo (8x bigger than past Navy@Vivo) 12-15 Feb 9am-9pm VivoCity |
The RSS Endeavour is now docked at VivoCity Promenade! Here's your chance to board the vessel and have a tour or participate in the many activities lined up for you at VivoCity. Visit the 4 zones – SAF50 Stories Zone, Capabilities Zone, Experience Zone and Engagement Zone and learn more about our SAF. You might also walk away with exclusive SAF50 giveaways!
Some of the activities you can expect:
1) Military Equipment Display and Stimulator Games
2) Interactive and experiential SAF50 exhibition
3) Ah Boys to Men 3: Frogmen "Meet & Greet" Session with the Cast on 14 Feb 11am to 12nn
Meet the cast on 14 Feb 11am-12nn |
4) Littoral Mission Vessels (LMV) Ship Naming Competition
These vessels will be launched middle of this year to replace the current patrol vessels. A naming contest will be run from 12 Feb to 15 Mar. All you need to do is to contribute 8 names and you'll stand a chance to win cash prizes ($3000, $2000, $1000 and 20 x $100 cash vouchers).
Do remember to drop by the Navy's recruitment booth within VivoCity to collect the limited-edition Navy figurine plushies! A total of 12 designs to be collected. 100 pieces will be given out every half an hour. Check out the timings and queue for the ones you like!
There are really loads of fun lining for you and your family. Do come down to VivoCity to experience it. And if you plan to board the RSS Endurance, the Navy has passes and draws to the tour to be issued on site. Who knows? It could be a once-in-a-lifetime kinda of experience for you!
Take note of these! |
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