School Suspended

AJ's bronchitis is back, just after 1 week of rest. He is like a walking bucket of mucus and phlegm. Sleep to him becomes a chore. He dislikes going to sleep now as the block nose will cause him breathing difficulty and his phlegm will cause him to cough and vomit. It is very painful to see him going through all these. We reckon that he is probably not ready for big community living, because I remembered he also fell sick after 3 consecutive days of VBS in my church during the June school holiday. So we called the school and requested for suspension till possibly Dec'09 or Jan'10. Thank God that the lady owner is fine with the arrangement. Meantime, i went to TCM Hall and get 冬虫夏草 for him. With regular intake, i hope it will help to strengthen his lung.


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