Staying Healthy When Traveling, With Centrum

[Media Review]

It is the season of the year when we travel quite a bit, particularly now that AJ has finished his Primary School Leaving Exam (PSLE). Ironically, one of the common issues with traveling is that we tend to fall sick after the trip, owing to the lack of sleep, fully packed itineraries and lack of essential nutrients to keep the body well functioning. 

While it is easier to eat well when we are at home, when it comes to traveling, it can be difficult. We rushed to finish our food, we snacked on street food and we grabbed those yummy local delights. We threw our balanced diet out of the window as a result.

This year, we were blessed with Centrum Multivitamins tablets and Vitamin C sachets (Centrum is world's no.1 multivitamin brand), so I brought them along when we traveled to Shanghai and Kuala Lumpur/Malacca.

Blue for Him; Pink for Her

The truth is: 
Most people don't get the recommended amount of important nutrients from food alone. Soil and water depletion, food and environmental toxins, pesticides, poor absorption of nutrients, exercise, poor appetite, and low calories diet can all cause nutrient deficiencies. Supplements are served to bridge the nutritional gap so that we maintain the proper balance of nutrients from food and supplementation. This will enhance the nutrient density of our diet and make sure we are obtaining the right amount of nutrients tailored to our dietary needs.

Do you know that the nutrients that men need differ from women since our body compositions are different? For example, women need more iron and calcium, in general. Centrum caters to that, thus it has Multivitamins for Men and for Women, even right up to different age group! 

We drink lemon juice every day for Vitamin C. But when traveling, it is almost impossible to get fresh lemon juice. Centrum Vitamin C sachets come in very handy. All we need is to bring the needed number of sachets for our trip and we will be assured we'll have the immunity boost! It is so convenient! AJ loves the fizzy moment when Centrum Vitamin C is added into the water, and our friends traveling with us enjoyed the taste too!

We are glad to say we have not fallen sick during and after these 2 trips. I believe the careful planning of itineraries and the essential nutrient supplements from Centrum played a big part. Now, I wouldn't want to travel without these. Centrum is available in all major pharmacies or you could order online. Don't travel without them!



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