Appreciation Education

This is a monthly post on 'Book Review for Parents'. Every 1st week of the month I will post review of the books that I have read with regards to raising our children. My previous posts were:

Jan - Raising Musical Kids
Feb - Lynn's Money Adventures
Mar - Appreciating Your Child
Apr - How To Teach Your Baby To Be Physically Superb
May - How To Teach Your Baby To Read
Jun - How To Teach Your Baby To Swim

I was invited to attend this talk on Appreciation Education organised by 360 Congress over the weekend which explains the lateness of this post.  This post is not about parenting book review but a follow-up review on the book 'Appreciating Your Child'.

Appreciation Education is initiated by Professor Zhou Hong (周弘), I had previously written a book review on it.  You may read it here.  If you have not read this book, I would urge you to.  It is available in the public libraries, major bookstores & online.  360 Congress brought the movement here to Singapore, with the hope that more parents will get to understand Appreciation Education better & thereby fostering a better parent-child relationship.

My interest for Appreciation Education deepens after the talk.  Yes, I do want to learn more.  I want to know how I may foster a better relationship with AJ.  He is growing up fast by the days, very soon he would be a tween/teen, a stage where many parents lament that their relationship with their children drift.  I hope I can minimise that, better still, may it not happen at all.  I have little time left before AJ reached that age, I feel that I need to learn a lot more from these experts.

I'm not sure if you feel the same as me.  There are some workshops organised by 360 Congress which I am interested in.  You may like their Facebook fanpage to get update on these too.

I would like to share this video with you to end my sharing.  Please do watch it, it is only 2.5mins long.  Please standby a pack of tissue.  This is the exhibition of the power of a father's love.

The video link uploaded by Olympic is here.


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