Singapore Science Festival 2014 - X-periment!

The 14th instalment of the Singapore Science Festival (SSF) opens today with the theme, “You can be a rock star with Science”.   It is an annual celebration of the latest scientific innovations, new technologies, and cutting-edge research, & engineering, making them relatable & relevant to everyday life. There will be a range of exciting hands-on activities, events, workshops, and guest performances lined up all over Singapore from 18 July to 3 August.  You can download the Festival Guide here.

Today we went to X-periment! at Marina Square Central Atrium.   X-periment! is a 3-day science carnival which celebrates the developments & research work in the field of science and technology in Singapore. Universities, research institutions, & companies are there to demonstrate some of their innovations to the general public.  There are many interactive, hands-on experiments for both kids & families at the booths manned by local researchers & scientists. 

At the Institute of Molecular & Cell Biology booth,
AJ checked out the fruit fly & the zebrafish through microscope.

He was extracting DNA from the strawberry!

Seeing the spectrum of light with a telescope.

Even the S.E.A Aquarium was there to offer life sciences
learning experience on some marine animals!

Learning about sound wave

AJ got to see the micro chips at the Data Storage Institute booth.

The booth of Singapore Immunology Network

There are also performances by internationally renowned science entertainer ‘The Dancing Scientist’ Jeffrey Vinokur from the US.  This 23 YO presented scientific experiments in a high-paced, energetic performance with hip hop music & dancing.  It is a show not to be missed!

Youtube link here

With Jeffrey Vinokur

“Dancing Scientist” show times at X-periment! @ Marina Square Central Atrium (30 mins per show):
19 July: 12:00nn; 2.30pm; 5.00pm & 7.30pm
20 July: 12:00nn; 2.30pm; 5.00pm & 6.30pm

X-periment! is truly an educational exhibition not to be missed.  We enjoyed our visit last year so we didn't want to miss it this year.  Do bring your children, I'm sure they will enjoy it!


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