Early Math Matters

[Media Invite]

I believe in setting the foundation during pre-school days before formal education in primary school starts. There have been a lot of expectation built in in primary one, especially in more popular schools, although the ministry is trying hard to deny that. Only parents who have their children already in primary school will understand that.

NeuroMath, which focuses on primary and secondary math recognises that too. So the founder decided to set up a math-centric enrichment centre - Early Math Matters, to help children build their foundation right. I was invited to their grand opening in early December.

You don't need to be an architect to know. When the foundation is good, many challenging stuff can be built on it. It is the same for education. When the foundation is good, children will struggle less learning more challenging stuffs as they progress in primary school education.

In Early Math Matters, the class size is small, and each class has 2 teachers. This helps the teachers to attend to the needs of the pre-schoolers better. Young children can't sit for long, so Early Math Matters do not just keep drilling them on worksheets, they have activities to cater for kinesthetic needs as well.

I was not allowed to take photos of the content of the worksheets but I did take a peep. The worksheets are colourful and interesting, a well-balance amount that shouldn't bore the kids yet effective in getting them to practise what they need to learn. 2 thumbs up!

Early Math Matters even set aside a room for Virtual Reality (VR) in attempt to help the children with understanding complex subjects/theories/concepts and a hands-on approach in aiding with learning and retention. You can read more about the benefits of VR here.

With Norman Tien, the founder of Early Math Matters and NeuroMath

Early Math Matters offers non-obligatory one-time trial for all students. It is an excellent way to try out an enrichment centre to see if it suits your children's needs. If you are looking for Math enrichment classes for your pre-schoolers, do give them a call to check it out.

Early Math Matters


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