Baby Boss - Taipei 16-22 Aug 2013 Part 3

When you do bring your child to Taipei, this should be 1 of the places you must visit.  Baby Boss is Taipei biggest role play stimulation made for children.  With more than 50 stations spread over 2300sqm, one can imagine that even when a child stays on for the whole day, he/she would not be able to take part in all the stations.  Yes, I would be more inclined to think that 2 full days is what you need, but then again, it depends very much on the age of your child too.  As a rule of thumb, if your child is between 5-10, there will be more activities that he/she can participate in.  The activities in Baby Boss suit children of age 3-12 in general, some activities are meant for 5 up, some for 7 up, so if your child is a toddler, there would certainly be lesser activities that he/she could participate in.  If your child is above 10, some activities might be too kiddo for him/her.

Technically, your child is not a boss in Baby Boss though the name is.  He/she is an employee who has to work in each vocation to earn some money (called Baby Bucks).  With these money, he/she can then treat him/herself to ice-cream (real one) or buy some ingredients to make pasta or bread (poor kid!).  In some sense, the child gets to understand that money do not drop from heaven, they have to labour for it?!

When I brought AJ to Baby Boss, it coincided with their school summer holiday.  It was not ideal because we had to pay a premium for a half-day fun.  It was also a little crowded (not very though) for a weekday visit, to my dismay.  Nonetheless, the boy had a blast! 

This is the Baby Boss brochure.  Do take time to read before you adjourn on.

The floor plan of the different stations is here.  You would note that there are different time slots for different activities, so proper planning to max out your time there is essential.

We spent about 5 hours in Baby Boss (10am to 3pm).  Including lunch, AJ only managed to cover 5 stations (sad huh) due to the different activity timing & time spent on queuing.  Once the head count is meant for that activity, you would have to wait for the next time slot.  Thus, there is a need to queue earlier for hot stations.  And this is time consuming.

We target at those for 7 up 1st because they are less kiddo :)

The Cartoon Dubbing Station
Prep Work
Now the Voice-over

The News Agency that AJ worked in
Life of a Reporter
AJ's new reporting as a reporter

A 'Day' as a Dentist

This is the way we brush our teeth
Checking on a patient

Getting ready to get to the space

He landed safely!

It was a fun learning experience for AJ, he had a slight idea of what each vocation was about. More of such role play would be good for a child to establish some ideas what he/she would like to do as he/she grows up.

Read other parts of my Taipei trip here:
(1) Our Stay in iTaipei Service Apartment
(2) The Bronze Winner
(3) Eslite Bookstore
(4) Pingxi


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