The Makeover Me

I seldom post about myself, and since it is my birthday month, I thought I may consider doing so.

If you have read my previous post on Me-time, I went for a makeover a day before my birthday. :)

Today I went to collect my glamourous photos from The Makeover Inc. As the first photo is complimentary, I top up $60 for 3 more photos. So here they are:

They said, "世上没有丑女人, 只有懒女人。" (there is no ugly women, only lazy ones), it is quite true, right? But I am still the lazy type. I haven't been wearing this kind of make-up since my wedding day. And, most importantly, favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised. (Proverbs 31:30)

Anyway, hope the photos are pleasing to your eyes! And Happy Belated Birthday to me!


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